What is Enterprise UI Design?

Enterprise UI design refers to developing the front-end layer and user interaction point of enterprise digital products, including design systems, UI patterns, components, and strategies. UI design in enterprise products is challenging because most products have complex information architecture, have less design flexibility, and require dealing with a large amount of data. Especially, enterprise UI design should consider workflows and different end-user's needs. The main goal of enterprise UI design is to reduce labor inefficiency and help find a way to achieve the best employee performance.

Difference between Enterprise UX UI design 

Enterprise UX design focuses on employee workflow and business objectives. It starts with the users' problem and creates the user experience to solve their problem. 

On the other hand, enterprise UI design focuses on the user interface, which includes interaction points, buttons, color, and typography so that users can interact with the product without any conflict or problem.

Enterprise UI design deals with large amounts of data with some charts or complex tables such as the dashboard. Also, enterprise products require many integrations and customization for their organization with complex layers and admin levels. So designing enterprise UI needs a better understanding of information architecture and intuitive interface. It also has less flexibility in the design, so it needs to find the best design solution to decrease the complexity.

Things to Consider for Enterprise UI design 

Adjust scaling 

Enterprise UI has limited interface space because it deals with heavy and large amounts of data and information. Minimizing visual clutter can reduce the confusion and complexity of UI. The key to successful UI design is providing easy access to large and detailed information, understanding user flow, and ensure to avoid giving too much information at once.  

Additional Layers

Enterprise UI has a complicated structure and links with complex layers. Enterprise UI design must consider different user access points compared to customer-faced digital products. For example, the admin level of users would like to access all the interface functions; on the other hand, the general user level will access limited parts. 

Also, it is essential to understand the organization structure because each business levels interact with the enterprise product with different objectives, workflow, and collaboration. 

Design System and Pattern Library

Since enterprise product needs to deal with complicated multi-layers and various screens, the design system has a critical role in design efficiency. So defining the design standard for the admin page, dashboard, and data grid is necessary to build a successful design system.

The design system will help establish a pattern library. Patterns should be separate in the enterprise UI design, such as content and navigation patterns. Also, UI designers should consider finding inconsistent patterns and define a single pattern for productivity. Leveraging global patterns across the application can help users interact with the UI without confusion and reduce the cost and time of employee training.


Enterprise UI design deals with complex systems and complicated multi-layers. It requires understanding different usage for each role in the organization and designing with a large amount of data. Considering standard design systems and leveraging global patterns will help to develop an efficient user interface. 

Tacpoint, with 20+ years of experience designing digital products, can help you thrive on your enterprise product. 


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Enterprise UI Design: What Is It? And What Should Be Considered?

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