The term Digital Transformation is one that often gets thrown around quite a bit, in a verity of business and in various areas within the digital arena. It is often used as a euphemism for general modernization or internally when marketing new solutions. But in reality what is a Digital Transformation and what are some of the things to keep in mind when considering a transformation?
Getting down to business
The first step in marking your Digital Transformation is defining and stargazing a serious rethinking of how your organization uses technology, people and processes to fundamentally change the performance of your business and team. In other words it’s changing the way your business thinks both internally and externally.
Of course there are many things to consider when implementing a digital transformation such as:
Customer experience
Establish your strategy
Design a digital workflow
and more!
All of which are important in their own right and play vital rolls in the implementation of a digital transformation. But another key factor to a well crafted transformation is communicating your brand voice.

Your brand goes beyond logos, type, and colors. More than ever, user experience has become a crucial part of your brand.
Unlike ads, the user experience of your digital systems offer your brand a great chance to interact with people — your staff, your customers, or even your followers. While helping them accomplish tasks, the user experience directly shows what your brand cares about. If your brand is about decluttering, your experience can be designed with streamlined workflows with minimal UI distractions. Or if your brand values inclusion, the application can be designed with accessibility features in place.
Your brand your voice
The way your brand approaches digital transformation needs to be exact to ensure the best possible results. It is important that your brand voice shines through all aspects of your business. For example consider that your brand may need to embrace mobile as a method of communication not only for customers, but also for staff and internal communications. Many consumers use mobile as a key tool for research, so having relevant and easy-to-access information is essential.
The power of digital
Additionally, brands that are not fully embracing the power of digital and accepting how the world has shifted to a more digital focus will not see their success and growth continue at the same rate. Smartly selecting the right technologies and using them effectively for the benefit of your business ensures that you’re keeping up with the competition and positioning yourself for future developments in technology. Keep in mind that there are potentially infinite possibilities when communicating your brand to the world. It’s about finding the “best” processes for your brand and defining the “right” practices.
Many companies will get lost in the shuffle by become complacent on using traditionally tactics or collateral when conveying their message. By having your own unique voice and executing that voice across all channels will allow you brand to shine!
There are many things to consider when implementing your digital transformation, see even more ways to make the most of your transformation.